Friday, January 29, 2010

Moviing Madness

Ok. Sooo I haven't done this as much as I would like to buttttt. I am in the middle of moving..kinda? hahah.

I'm in my Digital Imaging Class right now. This class normally sucks soo much but today we have a it's kind of better.

Today I got up at like the morning..crazy..I know right? I was planning on getting to the whole "cool schools" thing pretty early but it just took me longer to get ready because I was more tired and I ended up getting here at around...7:30 ish? yeah . So I could have pretty much slept a whole extra hour. We are moving verrrrry soon. and I am pretty happy.

Last night me and the family ate chinese food and my fortune cookie said, "You will have many friends when you need them" I felt like that was a pretty good fortune so I decided to share with y'all ;) . I am sooooo ready for class to be over in 9 minutes..because that means it's the WEEKEND! :) yayyyyy. excited about that one. For some reason my eyelashes are being verrry strange right now. haha now I feel like I'm my old "xanga" self...thatttt'sss embarrasssingg. I want a hippopautamus (sp?) for Christmas...going through my head.. okkayy. I am just way off track so I should probably stop while I'm ahead..


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I decided to blog at school day...

Right now, I'm sitting in English, with Abby and we're working on our Culture report. We're doing French Canada. I'll probably blog later, because Audra will make me.

We're trying to find recipes to make for food day. And it's late arrival day so classes are EXXXTTRRRAAAA long. songs from lion king are stuck in my head...

CLASSSS is sooooo boring.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today was a day toooo...

SING! hahaha well..not really. but...

I woke up and looked at more places..and I think we found the one!

YAY. I didn't do anything much besides that today. I promise I'll make a long blog tomorrow!!

butttt right now I have to go home and watch...


thennn Keeping Up with the KARDASHIANS. :) BYEE WE HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW :(

Saturday, January 9, 2010

So it's been a few days....

FIRE! :)

Me at Heath'sBonfire birthday!

I know it's been a few days since I last blogged but I'm not gonna let that stop me! hahahah. I just couldn't get on the internet for a few days...

I didn't really take any picture today...buuuuuuuuttt. I woke up. Went to look at a few houses and found one I likeeeeddd a lot. I mean..I think. :X . After that I went shopping....where some things went down.. haha. I got some clothes then came to Dillons with that girl AUDRA. I realllllyy need to do my History project thing that we got assigned like the first dayy..but I'd rather procrastinate...I know. so bad. hah.

Well going back to school wasn't too bad I guess..especially since we had snow days for 2 days :) first class is the same with people missing.... like Melissa :( and new people... :/

Second Class is drawing.. the teacher is kind of a biotcchh and we had to do self portrait the FIRST day.. haha. mine wasn't too bad I guess...

Third Class is Appreciation of Literature with Duncan.. it's ok so far...but prettty darn least Kanissa is in that class...and that kid Vergil.. haha.

Lunch: I still have first lunch...with Sarah, Nadia, Kanissa, Madison, Samantha, and moreee!

Fourth Class still Algebra..same teacher. which is a good thing. hahha. we had an assignment the first day..but it was easy so I don't really care. and have a few new people in that class like... Krystal..jeez. hahaha. but it stated SNOWINGGGGGG in that class on Wednesday. I WAS SOOOOOOO HAPPY!

Fifth Class is Modern World History withhh people like Gabi..HANNAH! and moree. class is pretty chill.

and Sixth class is pretty boring, digital imaging...YEP. that's my whole life.. hahahhaa just kidding.

I'm trying to convince Sarah to start blogging...I think she would reallllyyy enjoy it! hahha. come on SARAH!

Sarah excited for the first day of second Semester! ;)

Topanga is the BEST!

mmkay. :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year BLOG!

(this was made yesterday morning but I couldn't post it until today)

I’ve decided to do what my sister has been wanting me to do forever;blog. And actually keep up with it. For myself mostly, and others as well. My New Year’s Resolution is to blog, everyday.

Including at least 7 pictures from my day. It should really be at least a paragraph each day but, I already see myself falling short of that, sooooo we’ll see. Haha.. I will probably mostly talk about school and friends and family, since that’s all I really do! Unless I get a job…hopefully!

Hahah.. I’ll start an entry today!

Today is January 4, 2010. Wow. 2010 sounds like a realllllly big number, wayyy bigger than 2009, but…I guess there is only a one number difference. Haha. Oh yeah! I’ll probably type haha, bahaha, lol, and any other forms of internet laughter on here since I laugh all the time. Sooo anytime you see a “haha” I really laughed. Hahah. ;);)

ANYWAYS. Today. Is the LAST day before break…so what am I doing awake typing this at 9:25 A.M.??? I don’t know. Ask my annoying dog Aslan, who woke me up abruptly thus me not going back to sleep because I’m not tired for some reason! Aslan is dead asleep on my bed now…

:(:( . My cats seem pretty hungry so I’m probably going to feed them and… the Today show? Hahahaha. What else do you do this early?